
Thursday, December 31, 2020

Breaking: COVID-19 Outbreak at MCPS Elementary School - College Gardens ES in Rockville

The Maryland Outbreak-Associated Cases in Schools database does not give any details about the COVID-19 outbreak at College Gardens Elementary School in Rockville, but we know that the elementary school is one of the privately run Equity Hubs being sponsored and paid for by MCPS, the Board of Education and Montgomery County Government.  

Who oversees these Equity Hubs? How were these locations selected? Were changes made to the ventilation for these select schools? How are COVID-19 outbreaks in Equity Hubs being supervised and handled? Is this the first outbreak at one of these "hubs" or is this just the first one being reported? 

Will MCPS put out a notification on this outbreak?

Severn School Anne Arundel County 4 12/30/20

St. Mary's High School Anne Arundel County 3 12/30/20

Ohr Chadash Academy Baltimore City 2 12/30/20

Bais Yaakov Eva Winer High School Baltimore County 27 12/30/20

Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Baltimore County 3 12/30/20

Rosedale Baptist School Baltimore County 3 12/30/20

St. Mark's School Baltimore County 3 12/30/20

Talmudical Academy Baltimore County 36 12/30/20

Mount Aviat Academy Cecil County 5 12/30/20

Frederick Christian Academy Frederick County 10 12/30/20

West Frederick Middle School Frederick County 2 12/30/20

Windsor Knolls Middle School Frederick County 4 12/30/20

College Gardens Elementary Montgomery County 2 12/30/20

Esperanza Middle School St. Mary's County 3 12/30/20

Heritage Academy Washington County 2 12/30/20

Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School Worcester County 3 12/30/20

 As a reminder, the Maryland Dashboard uses the following criteria for reporting COVID-19 cases.  Not all cases are reported, only those that satisfy the following criteria.

  Note: This dataset reflects public and non-public K-12 schools in Maryland that have COVID-19 outbreaks. Data are based on local health department reports to MDH, which may be revised if additional information becomes available. This list does not include child care facilities or institutes of higher education.

Schools listed meet 1 or more of the following criteria:

    1) At least two confirmed COVID-19 cases among students/teachers/staff within a 14-day period and who are epidemiologically linked, but not household contacts; or

    2) Three or more classrooms or cohorts with cases from separate households that meet the classroom/cohort outbreak definition that occurs within 14 days; or

    3) Five percent or more unrelated students/teachers/staff have confirmed COVID-19 within a 14 day period (minimum of 10 unrelated students/teachers/staff).

Cases reported reflect the current total number of cases. Schools are removed from the list when health officials determine 14 days have passed with no new cases and no tests pending. Archival data is available through the COVID-19 open data catalogue.

These data are updated weekly on Wednesdays during the 10 a.m. hour. MDH is continuously evaluating its data and reporting systems and will make updates as more data becomes available.

The Pandemic Hasn’t Stopped This School District From Suing Parents Over Unpaid Textbook Fees

 When the pandemic started, several school districts in Indiana halted a long-standing practice: suing families for unpaid textbook fees. But one school district has filed nearly 300 lawsuits against parents, and others also have returned to court.

...Indiana is one of at least nine states that allow school districts to charge fees for required textbooks, according to the Education Commission of the States, a national education policy organization...

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

A Q&A about the new coronavirus variant with the Fred Hutch scientist who’s been tracking its spread

 Q: The U.S. ranks 43rd in the world in the percentage of positive cases that are sequenced, and you were recently quoted in a New York Times editorial that called for a major expansion. Is anything being done?

A: The U.S. has sequenced and shared over 50,000 virus genomes, more than any country in the world, except for the U.K. However, the turnaround times have not been great. There are thousands of viruses that were shared in the database in December, but a great many of those were from specimens collected back in March.
The CDC has plans to (start) receiving specimens from the state labs and then doing the sequencing more centrally and share the data. So there are plans to have thousands more genomes sequenced every month, but I don’t know when that will come online.

Ohio State study: 30% of student athletes have heart damage linked to COVID-19

LOS ANGELES - In a study published in September, researchers from Ohio State University found that out of more than two dozen athletes from the university who tested positive for COVID-19, 30% had cellular heart damage and 15% showed signs of heart inflammation caused by a condition known as myocarditis. After mapping the hearts of 26 Ohio State University athletes using a process known as cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR), researchers found that not only 15% of students exhibited the rare heart condition but 30% showed cellular damage...

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Free Kid Flicks from the NY International Children's Festival, courtesy of the Detroit Institute of Arts, through Dec 31st.


As your families gather around the table this holiday season, the DIA encourages you to enjoy three programs of inspiring short films, presented in partnership with the New York International Children’s Film Festival. These amazing short film programs from around the world are sure to inspire delight, curiosity, and conversation for viewers big and small.

With animation, live-action, and documentary films from 14 countries, NYICFF Kid Flicks programs open windows into the world, reflecting a diversity of styles, cultures, and themes that will give your family plenty of inspiration and conversation long after the programs are done.


For full program listing, please visit in new window) 

Use the discount code DFTFam on the payment page to enjoy each of the Kid Flix films for free while tickets last, courtesy of the DIA.

Registration with Elevant, a virtual screening platform, is required.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Maryland political titan Mike Miller resigns from state Senate as cancer worsens

 Thomas V. Mike Miller Jr., a towering political force in Maryland for five decades, resigned from the state Senate Wednesday, saying his health was failing and he no longer had the strength to serve.

Miller (D-Calvert), 78, was elected to the Senate in 1974 and served as Senate president for 33 years, longer than any one else in the country...

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Maryland PTA President Charged With Stealing From DC Veteran

The president of the Maryland PTA faces a criminal charge and is accused of stealing money from a Southeast Washington, D.C., military veteran to pay her own bills, including her cable and internet expenses.  

Court filings reviewed by the News4 I-Team say LaTonja Carrera stole money from the account of the veteran at a mental health facility in D.C. in 2019, where the veteran lived and where Carrera served as an administrator.    

An attorney for the Maryland PTA said Carrera has served as president of the state PTA for nearly a month and remains on the job pending the outcome of the criminal case...

Monday, December 21, 2020

Virginia man faces felony charges of kidnapping, child abduction, soliciting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child from California for the intention of sex.

A Virginia man who has made several tries for public office and has advocated white supremacy, pedophilia and rape is in police custody for what authorities are calling an “extremely disturbing” kidnapping plot involving a 12-year-old California girl.

Nathan Daniel Larson, 40, who once ran as an independent for Congress in Virginia, is in custody in Denver, where he is facing a misdemeanor charge of harboring a minor, Sheriff Margaret Mims of Fresno County, Calif., said during a news conference Saturday morning.

Larson, of Catlett, Va., was intercepted by law enforcement officers during a layover on a cross-country flight to D.C., Mims said. He is to appear before a judge in Denver on Thursday, when an extradition request is expected to be filed to return him to California. There, he faces felony charges of kidnapping, child abduction, soliciting child pornography from a minor and meeting a child for the intention of sex...

With data presumed unrecoverable, Baltimore County Schools scramble to recover from cyber attack


With student transcripts, ID numbers, state test scores and more apparently destroyed, the hackers’ stranglehold on student data is far worse that school officials have acknowledged

Baltimore County Schools won praise for restarting student learning after last month’s cyber attack. But behind the scenes, the system is still reeling from the assault, including its devastating impact on students’ educational records.

Some student records are “presumed completely unrecoverable,” a Baltimore County Public Schools (BCPS) employee with information about the attack’s impact told The Brew.

“SIS [the Student Information System] is toast,” said the employee, who spoke under the condition of anonymity...

...It was a fast comeback for the district, but numerous practical problems remained, among them a complication for school staff who are required by law to report suspected child abuse to authorities.

With student directory information missing – coupled with staff working from home – employees have found themselves scrambling to obtain phone numbers and addresses for the children they are required to help...

Friday, December 18, 2020

WMHS: Students infected with COVID-19 share their experiences with the virus

...However, there are many different precautions to take to avoid testing positive for this virus. “Don’t go hang with your friends at Target, don’t go to parties, etc. It is absolutely worth it, I promise,” Wicker said. “Wear a mask whenever you leave the house. When you come back from being out and about, it’s a good idea to change your clothes so that any germs you were exposed to don’t stay on your body.”..

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Howard County parents file lawsuit challenging student school board member’s voting rights


Two Howard County Public School System parents have filed a lawsuit to strip the student school board member’s right to vote on issues before the board, after the student cast a deciding vote to keep schools from returning to in-person classes.

The lawsuit, filed in Howard County Circuit Court, argues giving a high school student the right to vote on school board decisions violates Maryland’s constitution because the student is not 18 years old and is not eligible to vote in elections or to hold an elected office...

Anne Arundel BOE used Pandemic to railroad through approvals for elementary school cell tower without allowing all stakeholders to be heard.

Janet Holbrook: Work begins on Shady Side cell tower under cover of the coronavirus pandemic | COMMENTARY

...Residents and parents from Shady Side allied with an existing community organization, South Arundel Citizens for Responsible Development, to oppose a tower on the grounds of the elementary school.  They were successful in pausing the Board of Education’s consideration of the cell tower in December 2018.

However under-the-cloak of the pandemic, the cell tower was approved at the May 20, BOE meeting.  Public comments for that meeting were allowed via email only and had to be submitted prior to discussion due to the pandemic. It is notable that in the midst of an unprecedented school crisis an issue unrelated to the educational mission of the BOE was prioritized for attention.

To add insult to injury after the BOE also voted to transfer the forest conservation easement for the property to Milestone (the contractor for the tower), Planning and Zoning granted Milestone a modification that allows them to disregard the forest conservation easement. The grading permit was approved early October without a requirement for mitigation of the effects on forested land...

...Shame on the BOE for using the pandemic to railroad through approvals without allowing all stakeholders to be heard. The BOE should halt the project until all appeals have been heard, the citizens who worked so hard on behalf of their community deserve that much respect.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

#MontgomeryCollege will remain remote for spring 2021.

Maryland man pleads guilty to sex offense involving 14-year-old

...In court Monday, Garrett described a series of events he said would have been established had the case gone to trial.

In July 2019, when Johnson was 22, he began talking online with the girl. The next month, Garrett said, Johnson went to the girl’s apartment for the first time, while her mother wasn’t home, and engaged in sex acts.

Two days later, her father noticed bruises on her neck and asked how she got them, Garrett said. The answer prompted him to call police...

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Note: Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine not approved for children under 16 years of age

This fact was mentioned at Governor Larry Hogan's press conference today. 

...Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in persons aged ≥16 years for the prevention of COVID-19...

MD House Committee to Discuss Transparency of Mont. Co. Housing Opportunities Commission Today

The Montgomery County House Education, Elections, and Housing Committe (EEH) committee meets today at 11am  to discuss the a bill to require the Montgomery County Housing Opportunities Commission to provide transparency to the meetings of its committees. It 

The meeting will be streamed on the Montgomery County Delegation's YouTube channel.

Education, Elections, and Housing Committee:

This committee works on all local legislation and policy positions related to public education and school financing.
Delegate Emily Shetty, Chair
Delegate Vaughn Stewart, Vice Chair
Delegate Kumar Barve
Delegate Julie Palakovich Carr
Delegate Bonnie Cullison
Delegate Pam Queen

MD Lawmakers also might pursue transparency mandate for Housing Opportunities Commission


Bill limiting landlords’ eviction powers considered by Montgomery County delegation

...Lawmakers reviewed other bills at a similar public hearing a week earlier.

During Tuesday’s hearing, a measure forcing the Housing Opportunities Commission and its committees to hold more meetings in public drew support from speakers critical of the entity’s handling of meetings and a controversy involving the Bethesda African Cemetery Coalition.

Several members of the coalition were particularly pointed in their criticism, saying the HOC refuses to talk to them about their attempts to preserve a historically Black cemetery in the Westbard community.

Del. Al Carr (D-Kensington), the bill sponsor, was more specific in describing the intent of the legislation, saying that more than 100 private HOC meetings in five years had violated the state’s Open Meetings Act. He called the openness requirements in the bill an attempt “to restore public trust.”

The HOC is a government-funded entity that works on affordable-housing issues. Carr said it has about $300 million in annual revenues...

[County Exec] Olszewski Troubled By Contact Made With BCPS Hackers Without Consulting Police

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski sent a scathing letter Friday to the county school superintendent, charging his response to the November 24 cyberattack on the school system has been disjointed and ineffective.

In the letter to Superintendent Darryl Williams, obtained by WYPR, Olszewski accuses school officials of not fully cooperating with the county police department in its criminal investigation. In the letter, Olszewski said law enforcement was not involved in a decision by the school system or its third party consultants to contact the attackers...

Baltimore County Public Schools ransomware by Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland on Scribd

Baltimore County executive says school officials are refusing to provide information about ransomware attack

 Baltimore County school officials have refused to share information with local police, the county attorney and state information technology experts about the catastrophic cyberattack that hit its systems last month, County Executive Johnny Olszewski Jr. said Friday.

In a highly critical letter sent to schools Superintendent Darryl Williams, the Democratic county executive called it “troubling” that school officials are not cooperating with county police, who want access to third-party consultants retained by the county school system to analyze the ransomware attack.

Also, “law enforcement was not involved in the decision made by either BCPS or its third party consultants to contact the attackers,” Olszewski wrote.

School officials have repeatedly declined to comment on whether they are in communication with the hackers.

In a letter responding to the county executive, Williams said his team has been communicating with the FBI “throughout the process.”..

WBAL: Olszewski calls out BCPS superintendent on ransomware; Williams responds

Baltimore County Executive Johnny Olszewski sent a scathing letter to the school superintendent over the handling of the ransomware cyberattack.

Olszewski is calling out Superintendent Darryl Williams for not taking the help he offered in the days after a ransomware cyberattack hit the district and, the county executive asserts, for not cooperating with the police. Williams disputed the county executive's assertions in his own letter.

Monday, December 14, 2020

In-person learning now considered 'high risk' by CDC - CommonWealth Magazine

In-person learning now considered 'high risk' by CDC - CommonWealth Magazine: THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL and Prevention quietly removed controversial guidelines from its website promoting in-person learning in schools, and instead is now listing it as “high risk. The disputed guidance was composed of documents written by political appointees outside of the agency. One of the documents stated that children appear to be at lower(...)

Germany Locks Down Ahead of Christmas as Coronavirus Deaths Rise

Stores and schools will be closed, and public and private meetings will be restricted over the holidays, in an effort to bring down coronavirus infections and deaths.

BERLIN — Germans will be forced into a strict lockdown over Christmas, after weeks of milder restrictions on public life failed to slow the spread of the coronavirus, leading to record numbers of new infections and deaths, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Sunday.

Starting on Wednesday, nonessential stores, schools and hairdressers will be required to close, and companies will be encouraged to offer employees an extended holiday break or allow them to work from home. The number of people allowed to meet privately — including over Christmas — will also be further tightened. New Year’s celebrations outdoors will be all but prohibited, with the sale of fireworks and gatherings in public both banned...

WMHS: Now is not the time for students to go back to school. Here’s why

Given the current state of COVID-19 infection and hospitalization rates, it would be worse to send students back to school any time soon.

The Board of Education previously announced metrics that they now believe to be too strict. On December 15, the BOE plans to reevaluate these metrics, and lower the standard to allow for students return to in-person learning.

The rate of COVID-19 related hospitalizations is increasing, and has even passed the numbers in spring. The previous highest amount being 1,711 on April 30, now the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is over 1,715...

Saturday, December 12, 2020

If you see something say something...anonymous COVID reporting for teachers, parents, and students: The Covid Monitor


Link here: The COVID Monitor (

Best Practices link here.

The COVID Monitor

A safe and anonymous way for teachers, staff, students and parents to submit information about COVID safety at schools.

We do not ask for nor do we collect any personal data from anyone submitting a report here.

Infected after 5 minutes, from 20 feet away: South Korea study shows coronavirus’ spread indoors

 From the Los Angeles Times, by reporter Victoria Kim. Full story here.

Dr. Lee Ju-hyung has largely avoided restaurants in recent months, but on the few occasions he’s dined out, he’s developed a strange, if sensible, habit: whipping out a small anemometer to check the airflow.

It’s a precaution he has been taking since a June experiment in which he and colleagues re-created the conditions at a restaurant in Jeonju, a city in southwestern South Korea, where diners contracted the coronavirus from an out-of-town visitor. Among them was a high school student who became infected after five minutes of exposure from more than 20 feet away.

The results of the study, for which Lee and other epidemiologists enlisted the help of an engineer who specializes in aerodynamics, were published last week in the Journal of Korean Medical Science. The conclusions raised concerns that the widely accepted standard of six feet of social distance may not be far enough to keep people safe.

The study — adding to a growing body of evidence on airborne transmission of the virus — highlighted how South Korea’s meticulous and often invasive contact tracing regime has enabled researchers to closely track how the virus moves through populations.

“In this outbreak, the distances between infector and infected persons were ... farther than the generally accepted 2 meter [6.6-foot] droplet transmission range,” the study’s authors wrote. “The guidelines on quarantine and epidemiological investigation must be updated to reflect these factors for control and prevention of COVID-19.”

Friday, December 11, 2020

A study from Korea showing why indoor dining is unsafe and why airborne transmission matters.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Bullis on Maryland COVID-19 Outbreak List for 4th Straight Week. Torah School Lists 10 year olds.

 Mount Saint Joseph Baltimore City 6 12/09/20

McDonough School Baltimore County 5 12/09/20

Mesivta Kesser Torah of Baltimore - 9th grade Baltimore County 2 12/09/20

Rosedale Baptist School Baltimore County 2 12/09/20

St. Joseph's School Baltimore County 4 12/09/20

St. Paul's School Baltimore County 4 12/09/20

Yough Glades Elementary Garrett County 3 12/09/20

Glenelg Country School Howard County 12 12/09/20

Running Brook Elementary Howard County 2 12/09/20

Bullis School                                                        Montgomery County 10 12/09/20

Torah School of Greater Washington - 10 year olds Montgomery County 3 12/09/20

Living Hope Christian School Somerset County 3 12/09/20

Woodson Elementary School Somerset County 6 12/09/20

Broadfording Christian Academy Washington County 5 12/09/20

Grace Academy Washington County 19 12/09/20

Heritage Academy Washington County 2 12/09/20

Stephen Decatur High School Worcester County 2 12/09/20

As a reminder, the Maryland Dashboard uses the following criteria for reporting COVID-19 cases.  Not all cases are reported, only those that satisfy the following criteria.

  Note: This dataset reflects public and non-public K-12 schools in Maryland that have COVID-19 outbreaks. Data are based on local health department reports to MDH, which may be revised if additional information becomes available. This list does not include child care facilities or institutes of higher education.

Schools listed meet 1 or more of the following criteria:

    1) At least two confirmed COVID-19 cases among students/teachers/staff within a 14-day period and who are epidemiologically linked, but not household contacts; or

    2) Three or more classrooms or cohorts with cases from separate households that meet the classroom/cohort outbreak definition that occurs within 14 days; or

    3) Five percent or more unrelated students/teachers/staff have confirmed COVID-19 within a 14 day period (minimum of 10 unrelated students/teachers/staff).

Cases reported reflect the current total number of cases. Schools are removed from the list when health officials determine 14 days have passed with no new cases and no tests pending. Archival data is available through the COVID-19 open data catalogue.

These data are updated weekly on Wednesdays during the 10 a.m. hour. MDH is continuously evaluating its data and reporting systems and will make updates as more data becomes available.

Monday, December 7, 2020

DC schools, daycares account for the majority of COVID-19 outbreaks, according to data

WASHINGTON - Universities, schools and daycare environments account for well over 50 percent of the COVID-19 outbreaks in the District, according to newly released data from the health department.

Massachusetts superintendent says he's seeing school transmission of COVID-19

 ..."What is different from a week ago is we're starting to see in-school transmission," Tremblay said Wednesday during a School Committee meeting. "Whatever the CDC might be saying or whatever the governor or the commissioner of education might be saying, that it's safe to come back to school and schools are not the nexus of where spread is happening — we have evidence to the contrary in our community."..

...The Framingham Teachers Union says there is evidence of in school spread and that DESE doesn’t want to hear it. "Districts have acknowledged they've tried to report there has been in school transmission," Mulroney said. "DESE doesn't have any mechanism for recording that."..

Justices decline Montgomery County child pornographer’s appeal of 420-year sentence

The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear the appeal of a Burtonsville man serving 420 years in federal prison for child pornography.

Kyle Stephen Thompson had urged the justices to review and overturn his conviction, stating through counsel that his videotaping of three preschool girls was not the “prevailing” purpose behind his sexual abuse of them.

Without comment, the justices let stand a lower court ruling that the federal child pornography statute’s prohibition on coercing children into sexually explicit behavior “for the purpose of” creating a video of those acts does not require that the video production be the defendant’s prevailing motive for the coercion...

...Investigators detained Thompson and obtained a search warrant of his home, where Montgomery County officers found a memory card hidden in the laundry room, according to testimony...

... “Based on the evidence at trial, the jury could have rationally concluded that Mr. Thompson sexually abused the child victims and created video depictions of the abuse, but that he did not sexually abuse the children to create the videos,” added Mercer, of RaquinMercer LLC in Rockville. “For precisely this reason, it was crucial for the district court to adequately instruct the jury on the meaning of ‘for the purpose of” to ensure that Mr. Thompson, who disputed no other element, had a fair opportunity to present his defense.”..