
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Press Release: Returning Free Public Schools to Montgomery County

Press Release
Janis Sartucci
Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County

For Immediate Release
Returning Free Public Schools to Montgomery County
Montgomery County, Maryland, January 7, 2009
The Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County is pleased that today Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is acknowledging the outrageous burden placed upon families by the charging of curricular fees for many classes in our public schools. In today's announcement, MCPS recognizes that these fees were applied inconsistently and that local public schools were profiting from charges for required instructional materials. Furthermore, these assessments involved items integral to the curriculum and were clearly prohibited by the Maryland State Constitution's guarantee of a system of "Free Public Schools".
In August of 2008, members of the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County brought the issue of the charging of curricular fees in Montgomery County Public Schools to the Maryland Attorney General. In an August 18, 2008 letter to a parent, an Assistant Attorney General stated the Attorney General's opinion that "we are safe in saying that anything directly related to a school's curriculum must be available to all without charge."
The impact of today's announcement by the MCPS Superintendent, Jerry Weast, will have state-wide implications. MCPS represents the largest and most diverse school system in the state and other Maryland public school systems will be evaluating their student fees based on the direction taken by MCPS today.
The Parents' Coalition is pleased with what appears to be a 70% reduction in curricular fees. At the same time, we plan to review the Superintendent's memorandum and the remaining fee list. We will seek additional legal advice concerning the application of the revised charges consistent with the State Constitution, as necessary. Additionally, we will continue to advocate for inclusion of all school fees within the operating budget of our school system in order for these funds to be covered under existing legislative oversight requirements.
The Parents' Coalition wishes to thank its hundreds of members, and many local and statewide supporters for their long standing effort to end onerous and illegal school fees in Montgomery County Public Schools.

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