
Thursday, March 19, 2009

The AEI Advisory Committee and the Open Meetings Act

It is my understanding from the Maryland Attorney General's Office that if the AEI committee "was in fact created by a resolution of the Board of Education, it would fit the definition of a "public body" under the Open Meetings Act ["the Act"]. See §10-502(h) of the State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland." The April 16, 2009 meeting between the BOE Policy Committee and the AEI Advisory Committee seems to further confirm the link between the BOE and the Committee.

Unless, the Committee and the BOE publicly, and in writing, discloses reasons why the AEI Advisory Committee is not subject to the Act, I would respectfully request that the Committee proceedings conform to applicable law.

President Obama, in a memorandum to government agencies, stressed "Openness will strengthen our democracy and promote efficiency and effectiveness in Government.” It is time we in Montgomery county heartily embraced this view.

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