
Monday, March 30, 2009

The AEI Advisory Committee Saga

AEI Appointment Email and MPIA Response

Recently, the super sleuths at Parents’ Coalition “outed” another one of those secret “advisory” committees chosen by MCPS—the Mathematics Joint Work Group.

Dedicated to changing the educational policies that irrevocably alter the futures of our children for a decade or more, these committee members sell their souls to the devil by agreeing to a vow of secrecy. Don’t you forget that standard operating procedure (“SOP”) at the Kremlin is to ensure that there are no bona fide experts in the field sitting on these committees.

The fact that these committees are perfunctory rubber stamps to a predetermined course of action is no longer an ethereal construct of the misinformed of the disenfranchised. These committees apparently formed under, and acting at, the direction of the BOE, routinely flaunt applicable laws and regulations.

Here is an example of MCPS SOP.

On Wed, 11 Feb 2009 21:41:57 -0500, Martin Creel, Director, Enriched and Innovative Programs, wrote “[w]e will review the parent nominations … in the next few weeks, … and expect to have a decision in time for the March AEI Advisory meeting” (the email is attached on the second page).

Common sense will dictate that if the “we” was the AEI Advisory Committee, the minutes of meetings will reflect this important decision making.

Of course, you ask the powers-that-be, with suitable genuflecting and penance, for a copy of such minutes that may be disclosed under the law.

Okay, okay, you can go “hee, hee,” like a Tickle-me-Elmo doll.

In response, MCPS, in a letter dated March 25, copied to Marty Creel, Dr. Lacey, and Edwards, asserts “… Mr. Creel has never claimed that the Accelerated and Enriched Instruction Advisory Committee reviewed nominations for the committee.”

Aw shucks, maybe it was all a misinterpretation.

Wait, wait, take a look at the letter.

It asserts, I asked for “… copies of any and all documents pertaining to the meetings held by the AEI Advisory Committee.” The letter does not deny that these letters must be provided under the law. Yet, none were provided.

MCPS ethics for you.

Next step for MCPS: use all means to threaten and destroy the requester who caused so much embarrassment.

Gotta go hide.

Remember data driven change with transparency and accountability is the only defensible change.

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