
Thursday, March 5, 2009

BOE coughs up additional $25,000 to cover unappropriated spending (or cover something)

From the Better-Late-Than-Never department:

Last week, I pointed out that MCPS spent $25,000.20 more than the amount approved by the Board of Education (BOE) for a software license from

Item 1152.1 on page 2 of the procurement contract memo from Dr. Weast that accompanies the BOE meeting agenda for March 10, 2009 shows a future award of $25,000 to for an Instructional Management System (IMS).

Why does the BOE need to spend yet another $25,000 on the Instructional Management System?

Or has the BOE quietly decided to appropriate $25,000 for the IMS software license about five months after the money was actually spent?

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