
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Eastern Parents Unite

A group of over 60 families (and growing fast) have united to oppose Eastern Middle School's (EMS) change from an 8 period to a 7 period schedule. To join, go to

Representatives from this group attended last week's MCPS Board of Education (BOE) meeting. Five parents spoke for an unusually large portion (a full third) of the public comments portion. The BOE appeared surprised by the outcry and is looking into the matter. To see the meeting, go to
For those who want to start watching when the EMS parents start (each is allowed only two minutes):
-Three of the five EMS parents start at the 20 min. mark;
- A fourth EMS parent speaks at the 34 min. mark; and
- A fifth EMS parent speaks at the 41 min. mark. There's also a good followup question from the board after this speaker and a great answer. Toward the end of the meeting at the 6:40:40 mark hear Board of Education member Judy Docca note that "now Eastern is concerned" and that she would "like to (be able to) answer sensibly". (Dr. Docca is requesting more information from Superintendent Weast as to how decisions are made.)

This group also was featured last week in a story in the Gazette:,

Followup activities are being organized, including contacting MCPS Board of Education members and Montgomery County Council members. So please help with many hands to make light work.

Let's not give up the fight, and let's keep in mind:

“The greatest obstacle to those who hope to reform American education is complacency.”

--Diane Ravitch (education historian, educational policy analyst, former United States Assistant Secretary of Education, research professor at New York University's Steinhardt School of Education)

EMS Schedule Decision Reversal Workgroup

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