
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Make April 16 a day to stand up for your children

Tired of the great sucking sound of your tax dollars being flushed down the toilet while educational outcomes decline?

Sick of what happened at Eastern Middle School?

Angry at the secretly formed Advisory Committees secretly chipping away your child's educational programs?

Outraged at Advisory Committees routinely flaunting the Open Meetings Act, the Maryland Public Information Act, etc?

Smoldering about the slash and burn of Special Education?

Not one of the one-size fits all proponents?

Unhappy about the taxation without proper representation of your views on education?

Can’t believe the way Carver shovels your money away into private pockets?

Think decision making should be a transparent, accountable process?

Angry that your voice wasn’t heard at the MCCPTA meeting?

Feel that Advisory Committee members don't listen to your voices?

Sick of the duplicity, threats, and intimidation?

Partial to non-violent, civilized protests in support of open, transparent, accountable, data-driven processes for a better educational future for OUR KIDS?

Join a protest of concerned parents.

WHEN: April 16, 2009 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
WHERE: At Montgomery County Public Schools' Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive, Rockville, Maryland in Conference Room 127

Spread the word: cross-post, shout from your roof tops, and bring in the crowds.

Kumar Singam

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