
Thursday, April 2, 2009

Artificial Turf: Where does the Money Go?

Writing about the successful lobbying efforts of FieldTurfTarkett at the Consumer Product Safety Commission made me wonder why our elected Board of Education, and the County Council members choose to send our taxpayer dollars to Calhoun, Georgia instead of spending them right here in Montgomery County.

Given the current economy, this question becomes even more important.

The Agricultural Reserve

Ever gone on a Sunday drive or bicycle ride through our green Agricultural Reserve? That’s right, here in Montgomery County we have a nationally-known Agricultural Reserve thanks to the far-sightedness of our County Planners and us, the citizens and taxpayers.

Last year the Ag Reserve celebrated its 25th Anniversary. And what farms are located on our green Ag Reserve? Why, sod farms. And I am thinking right now that those sod farmers must be wondering, why on earth is Montgomery County spending our tax dollars in Calhoun, Georgia when we could keep those millions here in Montgomery County.

Of course Calhoun, Georgia sure needs the money. Take a look at these 2000 Census tables comparing our Montgomery County to Calhoun. Notice anything?

Montgomery County, Maryland

POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)
Families 8,428 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 3.7
With related children under 18 years 6,110 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 5.0
With related children under 5 years 2,808 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 5.8

Calhoun, Georgia

POVERTY STATUS IN 1999 (below poverty level)
Families 334 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 12.5
With related children under 18 years 292 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 20.2
With related children under 5 years 144 (X)
Percent below poverty level (X) 24.4

Montgomery County

Households 324,940 100.0
Less than $10,000 12,040 3.7
$10,000 to $14,999 8,046 2.5
$15,000 to $24,999 18,325 5.6
$25,000 to $34,999 24,406 7.5
$35,000 to $49,999 41,248 12.7
$50,000 to $74,999 65,955 20.3
$75,000 to $99,999 49,573 15.3
$100,000 to $149,999 56,565 17.4
$150,000 to $199,999 24,199 7.4
$200,000 or more 24,583 7.6

Median household income (dollars) 71,551 (X)

Calhoun, Georgia

Households 3,967 100.0
Less than $10,000 564 14.2
$10,000 to $14,999 308 7.8
$15,000 to $24,999 564 14.2
$25,000 to $34,999 600 15.1
$35,000 to $49,999 645 16.3
$50,000 to $74,999 655 16.5
$75,000 to $99,999 305 7.7
$100,000 to $149,999 188 4.7
$150,000 to $199,999 50 1.3
$200,000 or more 88 2.2

Median household income (dollars) 33,618 (X)

Maryland is already a ‘donor’ state, that is, we give more in tax dollars to the federal government than we receive. Georgia is a recipient of our largesse. So why are our County Council and Board of Education elected bodies being so very generous and giving even more money to Georgia?

I am not a farmer. And I have nothing against the hard workers and citizens of Calhoun, Georgia. But my tax dollars do support our wonderful Ag Reserve. According to Montgomery County, there are 26 sod farms on 4,500 acres of farmland in the Reserve. Why are our elected officials taking money from our own farmers and giving it to factory employees in Calhoun, Georgia?

Next time, chemicals, no, really, I promise…

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