
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Gazette: Parents, police say discipline inconsistent at Northwest

Following up on the previous article about the cover-up of the assault at Northwest High School, staff writer Meghan Tierney writes in today's Gazette:
Parents say that Northwest High School administrators fail to hold students accountable when they break the rules, which has created an unsafe environment at the 2,044-student school.

County police are concerned that disciplinary actions for serious offenses are not uniformly applied and are investigating whether administrators violated an agreement by not calling police when a female student was assaulted.


  1. From the article: "The school system gives principals broad discretion on how to discipline students, Didone said, and does not have uniform policies on how to deal with students who break the rules."

    Not the school system - the Superintendent. Why do we have a Superintendent when principals have "broad discretion"? Has the Superintendent been to Northwest to supervise this situation? Ever? Was the Superintendent at the parent meeting?

    And what is the point of the Board of Education if they don't set the policies on how to run the local schools?

  2. Is the superintendent even in the county? This superintendent has one agenda and one agenda only: making himself look good. And it doesn't make him look good to be associated with this kind of disciplinary problem and violence in our schools. So no, I doubt he was at the meeting. and what is the point of this Board of Education? so people can keep seats warm while they run for County Council.


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