
Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Grinch that Stole Gifted Education

Those of us who braved the mandatory sign-in requirement, the demand we put aside our signs and posters, and the law enforcement presence, to watch the AEI Advisory Committee meet with the BOE were treated to a spectacle that was a tragicomedy of momentous proportion.

On April 16, 2009, the tide went out at the committee meeting and no one on the Advisory Committee was wearing a swimming suit.

When a member of the BOE rattled off a staccato of questions asking if the committee had reviewed the GT data, consulted with experts, perused available research, contact William & Mary or Johns Hopkins, none of the committee could answer in the affirmative.

These ideologues expounded their unsubstantiated beliefs in support of their views, often falling back on the obligatory story about their own children, but had not a shred of evidence to support their views.

Even when apparently factual claims were made one was hard pressed to find the facts in them. For example, one committee member asserted that the law mandated the gifted be identified and services be provided. However, he insisted, the law didn’t define gifted. I suppose

Education: Title 8. Special Programs for Exceptional Children
Subtitle 2. Gifted and Talented Students
§ 8-201. "Gifted and talented student" defined

however vague it may be, doesn’t count?

It is our apathy and indifference that has allowed MCPS to install Marty Creel, a Social Studies teacher with no experience, qualifications, or expertise in gifted education to corral a group of folks, swear them to secrecy, and spit out a policy that destroys gifted education.

Meanwhile, everyday some of you will look into the eyes of a child who craves knowledge, is bored in class at MCPS, and is losing that burning desire to learn. Now, that is tragic. Doesn't that tear your heart out?

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