
Thursday, April 30, 2009

More artificial turf coming to MCPS

In a time of tough budgets and other challenges, I am happy to confirm that the memorandum of understanding between park and planning and MCPS for Blair's artificial turf field in the stadium has been signed, and work on constructing the surface will begin immediately after the last lacrosse game on or around May 15. In fact, preliminary work to move sheds and facilitate immediate construction is already underway.

This is the result of a lot of dedicated work over many years, I know to thank Ray Scannell, Deb Stoll, Howard Kohn, Dave Ottalini, Bob Gillette, the Athletic Boosters, Mr. Williams, Mr. Miller and Mr. Funk for their work, and I am certain that there are many other folks who have helped to make this field a reality.

I have not yet seen the MOU, and its provisions, together with careful attention to the use and maintenance of the field will be important to make sure that this new resource will continue to provide Blair athletes many years of a safe, fair, and inspiring athletic environment.

There are always a lot of challenges on the agenda for our school so it is important to celebrate the victories. Especially sweet are those long in the making, and that provide a real and lasting physical improvement in our school facilities.


Pete Lafen

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