
Friday, April 10, 2009

What the Advisory Committee Members say in Public & in Committee

January 15, 2009 AEI Committee Feedback

If we are to believe the public pronouncements of AEI Advisory Committee members, they are doing battle against a hostile MCPS, fighting to be heard but often, if not always, ignored.

The feedback forms submitted by these very same committee members show no such dissension or disagreement.

Asked if the meeting addressed the “charge” of the committee, six-members strongly agreed, while one-agreed. NONE disagreed!! One-had no comment.

When asked if they provided “input of Policy Revision Overview” seven out of eight agreed or strongly agreed (one had no comment).

When asked if they provided “input on Revision of Policy IOA” seven out of eight agreed or strongly agreed (one disagreed).

Take a look at the minutes of AEI Committee Meetings, there are two versions available: one produced by MCPS, and the other by a committee member. Neither version documents the voting that took place within the committee, even though law apparently requires that they do.

How about the meetings between individual groups and MCPS representatives, ostensibly to conduct the public's business? No minutes produced by any party--even though the law apparently requires it.

No wonder that Policy IOA has been turned into a political manifesto instead of a document stating a cogent, coherent policy on gifted education.

It is only through direct parental involvement that we can accomplish change.

It is with this basic principle in mind that we urge you to help make April 16, 2009 [and, perhaps, every April 16, thereafter] *Stand Up for Your Children Day*. Please see:

*WHEN*: April 16, 2009 from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.

WHERE: At The *Carver Educational Services Center*, 850 Hungerford
Drive, Rockville, MD 20850

*WHAT TO DO*: You can simply show your commitment to your child’s education by joining other parents in the parking lot. Just show up and make a statement by the number of vehicles.

You could voice your opinion personally with posters, etc., and make sure the BOE understands our commitment to our children, by visiting Conference Room 127 where the Advisory Committee will be meeting.

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