
Saturday, May 30, 2009

Artificial Turf: Made in Calhoun, Georgia

I just found this great video of a turf manufacturing plant floor similar (I assume) to FieldTurfTarkett, which has a monopoly in Montgomery County. This is from AZGrassman. This is where your millions of Montgomery County tax dollars are going: to manufacture artificial turf in Calhoun, Georgia. Here's how they make the artificial turf!

Thanks Ms. Brandman! Thanks Mr. Andrews, President of the County Council, and all the Councilmembers who voted UNANIMOUSLY on the Consent Calendar the other week. That would be: Marc Elrich, Duchy Trachtenberg, Nancy Floreen, George Leventhal, Roger Berliner, Mike Knapp, and Valerie Ervin. I can't think of a better place for my hard-earned dollars to go. Oh wait, they COULD stay in our county and the money could go to our sod farmers in our wonderful Agricultural Reserve, and...wake up freestategal, wake up, it was just a dream!

Special kudos to Mike Knapp. The sod farmers live in HIS district, but really what's more important, his constituents or making sure FieldTurfTarkett, a Canadian Company, gets all the County business.

The money is going to Calhoun, Georgia. Named after John C. Calhoun. Of course as every schoolchild knows, Montgomery County is named after Richard Montgomery. Do some googling to check out the different biographies of these two men.

And here's how natural turf is made. No video, but on this beautiful Saturday you can go out and take a look in and enjoy your yard to see what our Montgomery County farmers have done.

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