
Saturday, May 16, 2009

Guest Post - I'm Proud to say . . . I'm a PIA

Here is a post from another member of the Parents Coalition.

This person has requested to remain anonymous - while many of us on this blog use pen names, this person is concerned about retribution from the staff at his child's school.

As one who's child is personally held responsible for all the budget scruntiny at his school, I understand.


I’m proud to say…I’m a PIA

Does place me in good company though, after all, wasn’t George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and many others all PIA’s to King Jer…oops…George the III of England?

The biggest difference appears to be the PIA’s are trying to uphold the laws and rules of a Democracy against the infiltration of a Monarchy, whereas our Founding Fathers were rebels trying to bring democracy to a Monarchy and overturn the current Laws of the Land.

Over 10 years ago a frustrated and retiring high placed Director in Montgomery County Government forewarned me that MCPS was going Corporate, which at the time I didn’t understand. Now it is more than obvious.

History does tend to repeat itself in perhaps a smaller venue as a Revolution is taking place with our children’s future at stake between Weast And Co., Inc. ( WACI’s ) and the rebellious Pain In the Asses. ( PIA’s ) I quess history will be the judge of its outcome.

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