
Friday, May 15, 2009

Northwest High School parents dismayed over counseling department reorganization

Parents and students at Northwest High School (Germantown) have learned that a new system for assignment of guidance counselors is quietly being put into place, and some parents are questioning whether the changes are really in the best interest of students.

Whether the proposed new assignment system is unique to Northwest or is also planned for other schools is not known.

The following announcement is being circulated within the Northwest High School community.
Northwest Parent Alert: Possible Changes to Guidance Counselor Assignments

If you are the parent of an underclassman, you should know that the school is considering changes to the counseling department which will affect your child/children.

The school is considering a reorganization of the counseling department so that each grade level will be assigned two counselors for all students in that class. Under the arrangement we have now, each counselor has a lettered cross-section of each of the four grade levels (one counselor is responsible for all students whose last names end in A-E for each grade level), and that counselor follows the same students through all 4 years of school.

For rising seniors: The change could mean that most of next year's seniors would be assigned a new counselor that they have never spoken with in their 4 years at NWHS. It would also mean that each of the two senior counselors will now have 250+ letters of recommendation to write, many for students they have never met with before. Under the current arrangement, counselors are responsible for about 70 senior letters, and because they follow our students for all 4 years, they have a chance to get to know our children, the types of classes they are taking, their interests, etc. and write a recommendation letter that is somewhat personal and not simply a form letter. Nearly all colleges require a letter of recommendation from the counselor.

For other classes: The change could mean that families with special needs (academic, social, emotional, divorce, substance abuse, grief, financial), will now have multiple counselors at school instead of just one to oversee the students' family.

The proposed change does not seem to be in the best interest of our students.

This issue has been added to the May 19th PTSA meeting agenda. Please consider attending to share your concerns.

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