
Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Action Alert from Takoma Park StoptheProcess

Action Alert from Takoma Park StoptheProcess advocacy group:

On Wednesday, June 10, please e-mail (or call) the superintendent
*AFTER* 2:00 p.m., but before 4 p.m. (if possible; later is better than
not at all). Ask him to extend the Boundary Advisory Committee deadline
until September 10, and ensure that representatives are appointed from
every affected neighborhood.

Here is his contact information:

Jerry D. Weast, Ed.D., Superintendent of Schools
Carver Educational Services Center, Rm. 122
850 Hungerford Dr., Rockville, MD 20850
Phone: 301-279-3381
Fax: 301-279-3205

Also, please "cc" the following addresses in his office:

MOST IMPORTANTLY, please "cc" me (Chuck) so that I know what's happening.

If you're really ambitious, please also "cc" -- or even compose a
modified message directly to -- School Board Member Barklay, at

If you're super-ambitious, all of the other school board members'
contact info is at


* If you are involved solely out of your concerns for the North Takoma
Ten (families that might be displaced to ESS elementary), please speak
your heart and mind. Talk about why Takoma Park is such a cherished
community for you, and how you will be affected or how you empathize
with the families that bought in our North Takoma neighborhood to go to
Takoma Park Elementary School (TPES). However . . .

* I encourage you to take a wider view of what's happening. Talk about
how the process has deprived the economically disadvantaged families
east of NH Avenue a seat at the table. (See message archives for details.)

* The issue -- at least right now -- is *not* that Takoma Park kids get
to go to Takoma Park schools. It is about neighborhood representation!
(FYI, the families in Takoma Park Ward 5 go to Rolling Terrace, and seem
to be happy with that.) The problem is that my neighborhood, and the
ESS neigborhood north of here, did not have a seat at the table. The
travesty is that the most disadvantaged people in Takoma Park also did
not have a say in whether or not their kids continue at the Sligo Creek
Math and Science Academy or get transferred into TPES.

* Please DO NOT take a position one way or the other on what happens to
the families east of NH Avenue ("SC5"). That's not for any of us to
say. They need a seat at the table to express their preference between
Sligo Creek and TPES. We need three more months to overcome the
language and cultural barriers to find out what those families actually

* If the larger economic and racial injustices of this process are what
is motivating you to get involved, please say so! That's extremely
important! (See my previous message for the support we're receiving to
"stop the process" from various communities of color.)

* If you have no time to do anything but e-mail Dr. Weast and simply
say, "Stop the Process," please do so. And remember to "cc" me.

Many thanks! At first I guessed that our chances were 50/50. Now I'm
thinking we might actually win this! Then all of the neighborhoods can
come together at the table, as part of the official process, to generate
a win-win solution for everyone!



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