
Monday, June 8, 2009

Breaking: Council Committee Delays Vote on Artifical Turf

Today, the Montgomery County Council's Education Committee was slated to approve a contribution from an outside source toward the purchase of artificial turf for the Walter Johnson High School football field. However, Councilmembers Valerie Ervin, Michael Knapp, and Phil Andrews have delayed their vote on this funding. The delay is to allow Montgomery County Public Schools(MCPS) to respond to information received by Councilmembers with regard to health and safety issues surrounding artificial turf, and concerns from Maryland Turfgrass farmers that natural grass fields are not being considered.

At today's hearing, it was learned that MCPS does not clean or sanitize artificial turf fields on a regular basis. According to MCPS consultant Joe Lavorgna "no cleaning is required". Mr. Lavorgna also stated, without citing any authority, that the "fibers" in the artificial turf to be used in MCPS are lead-free. The issue with lead in artificial turf fields, however, does not just relate to the "fibers" but also to the use of crumb rubber - ground up tires in the base of the fields.

On Tuesday, June 9, 2009 at 1:30 P.M. the County Council will hold a public hearing on this matter. It is expected that comment will be heard from the Safe Healthy Playing Fields Coalition and from Maryland Turfgrass Association farmers.

Click here for Maryland Turfgrass Association testimony to MCPS Board of Education on May 26, 2009.

Click here for WTOP Kate Ryan's report on this decision.

Click here for all of the Parents' Coalition blog posts on Artificial Turf.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, great! I sent the council and Valerie in particular that latest story about the CDC scientists' worries.


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