
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Love that MoCo Council and their Wonderful Oversight

Don't adjust the color settings on your PC - this post is green in honor of the Montgomery County Council and Walter Johnson High School. Green is the color of artificial turf and green is the color of money, and apparently, both are in abundant supply here in MoCo - or at least in Bethesda where the folks at Walter Johnson will get not one, but two brand new athletic fields.

Why you ask? Apparently, the good folks at Walter Johnson have been unable to use their home fields while construction expanded their school. Just like the folks at Richard Montgomery, a red zone school who were without athletic facilities for several years when their fields fell into a sinkhole and subsequent renovation. Richard Montgomery athletic teams were moved off site to Montgomery College and other fields around the City of Rockville, with transportation provided by MCPS. Richard Montgomery received one artificial turf field, which was open for use six months after students moved into their new building.

But over in Bethesda, folks aren't as patient. Walter Johnson HS teams will play on a brand new natural sod turf field, equipped with sprinklers, this fall, which will then be replaced by a new artificial turf field in November.

All this is fine with both the County Council and the Montgomery County Board of Education. Recession? Not in Bethesda. Remember, this is the county that removed American History from the curriculum because it is comprised of old law.

Last night (6/22), the Board of Education heard Mr. Lavorgna, a consultant, talk about how the sod and the irrigation system will be recycled and used at another county school. Some of you may be amused at the thought of Mr. L personally picking up the pipes and the sod grass, but here is what he didn't mention:

1. Whether this plan is feasible (hint - its not) or
2. What are the costs of implementation (hint - its not free either).
The Board of Education endorsed this fantasy of Mr. Lavorgna, and really, just wants to move on. Kids gotta play, gotta get those Bethesda Wildcats back on their fields.

Where is the oversight? Don't look for it anytime soon. The County Council agrees - gotta get Garran's guys back on the field, keep those boosters and the Bethesda soccer club happy. They have made their decision, and have no need to revisit the topic. Here is the letter sent out today by County Council President Phil Andrews:

County Council President Phil Andrews Turf Letter - June 23, 2009

Are the taxpayers of Montgomery County ever going to be told how much it really costs to install a new playing field at Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda?

I don't know about you, but I'd much prefer that any excess funds we have in the county go back into the classroom - to replace those educational programs lost during the current fiscal squeeze. Or teachers salaries, textbooks, or . . . you can fill in the blank as easily as I can.

But two athletic fields at Walter Johnson is a piece of self-indulgence we cannot afford.

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