
Monday, June 22, 2009

Operators Standing by to Take Your Calls

Did you know that the Montgomery County Office of Inspector General has established an independent toll-free hotline, using a third-party contractor to confidentially take calls from County government employees and contractors?

Purpose – The OIG is interested in receiving information confidentially from employees and contractors. Our responsibility is to receive and evaluate your concerns regarding fraud, waste, and abuse, and when appropriate, conduct an investigation. We report our conclusions to management for a decision on any corrective action and/or a prosecutor for potential criminal matters.

We define fraud, waste, and abuse as follows:


A dishonest and intentional course of action that results in obtaining money, property, or an advantage to which the individual committing the action would not normally be entitled.


The needless, careless, or extravagant expenditure of County funds, incurring of unnecessary expenses, or misuse of County resources or property.


The intentionally wrongful or improper use of County resources that can include the excessive or improper use of one’s position, in a manner contrary to its rightful or legally intended use.

When reporting information, be prepared to provide the following:

· The person(s) involved and title(s) · When the incident occurred

· Where · How

· How long · How often

· How the caller knows

· Is there documentation

· Others who have knowledge

· Any steps already taken

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