
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Helium Hands - Part 3

Don't believe everything you hear at Board of Education meetings.

As the third installment to my helium hands series, here is the latest update.

Recall my prediction that the Board of Education would collectively approve the renewal of the American Express Purchase card program without discussion.

OK, so I was wrong - they had a little tiny bit of discussion - but it was inaccurate.

At the July 14, 2009 meeting, Mr. Barclay, Board of Education meeting expert on audit, and Chair of the Fiscal Management/Audit committee said he was "comfortable" with the information he received concerning the program and says he remembers discussing the American Express Purchase Card options.

I couldn't find any documentation, and I now can add the minutes of the May 13, 2009 Fiscal Management/Audit committee meeting as another example of a meeting where this item was not discussed.

Honestly, I don't know what gives Mr. Barclay his sense of comfort, but whatever it is its not in the public domain and hasn't been publicly discussed.

If Mr. Barclay has information, he needs to share it with the public now, not just state that he is comfortable.

Just wishing for something to be true doesn't make it true.

Thanks Laura Berthiaume for asking the tough questions. Now lets get some responsive answers and hope that the rest of the folks around the BOE table demand real facts, and not just accept what makes Mr. Barclay "comfortable."

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