
Friday, July 24, 2009

Live - from the MCPS BOE Policy Committee . . .

. . . a new policy on curricular fees.

Yes, curricular fees will make a return appearance in Montgomery County Public Schools for the 2009-2010 school year.

See for yourself the discussion from the July 21, 2009 BOE Policy Committee meeting.

According to Lori Christina Webb, Dr. Lacey's most capable assistant and policy guru, MCPS decided that the fees are still legal - and has trained everyone, including principals, fiscal assistants, administrative secretaries, business managers, and resource teachers, concerning the new definitions of curricular fees. MCPS has also drafted a new website where parents can get answers in English and five different languages concerning the fees that they may be charged.

Tons of training - but what exactly are the fees and when will we be informed? Silly parents, the lists aren't even drawn up yet. The lists were due to the Community Superintendents on July 22, and Lori Christina Webb expects that the process may take several weeks before the lists are finalized.

So what exactly did the training cover? The definition of what is a curricular fee?

Here is my training. One word. Illegal.

That's right, it doesn't matter what MCPS says, in Montgomery County we are entitled to a free public education. Its in the state Constitution, Article VIII. The Office of the Maryland Attorney General says so too.

So - why does the MCPS Board of Education continue to insist on charging for what the taxpayers of the state have already funded? More training isn't going to solve the problem. Neither will fancy letters in multiple languages.

To this writer, the school system - BOE, MCPS, Lori Christina Webb, and Frieda Lacey, should be concentrating on using public funds for the intended purpose - purchasing the materials our children need to ensure an appropriate education, instead of training staff how to violate the law.

Illegal is still illegal.

MCPS needs to take a page already developed by its grading and reporting gurus - when a student doesn't attain a concept, the mantra is to reteach and reassess. How many times do we need to reinforce that the school system cannot charge curricular fees?

Parents and students - don't be fooled this school year. If your school sends home a note requesting a fee that you believe is illegal, send a description of the violation to the Attorney General of Maryland at or by postal mail to Office of the Attorney General, 200 St. Paul Place, Baltimore, MD 21209.

1 comment:

  1. According to this Linkedin entry Ms. Webb is a 1992 graduate of Harvard Law School.


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