
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Gazette: Wasteful spending x 2

In tough economic times like these, the public high schools' electronic marquees running 24/7 and on holidays seem to be a wasteful luxury.

Over spring break, as well as early on weekend mornings, these signs run messages about school days off (in case a student forgets, I guess), time and temperature (even though the passerby is already outside). These messages certainly aren't vital and can usually be gotten on the car radio or just being an attentive parent. Nobody depends on this information.

The school system should consider turning off these marquees at certain times to save money.

Paul Eisenhaur, Rockville

Gazette, Letter to Editor May 6, 2009


‘Green' efforts hindered by illuminated signs

Much has been written and debated over the current economic situation and budgetary cuts. Additionally, there has been a push countywide and within [Montgomery County Public Schools] to green up our schools. Yet there has been an explosion and proliferation of electric school signs throughout the county. My queries have received the response that the signs are paid for by private donations, not MCPS.

The reality, however, is that the signs need to be powered to run. The electricity that they draw to illuminate their words is not free. It has a cost to MCPS, and hence Montgomery County, as well as a cost to our environment. This means that the signs truly are not at no cost to the school, the school system or the county. They also are not green.

I propose that no additional electric signs should be approved if they are not powered by solar or an alternative free energy. In addition, the upkeep costs that arise from wiring issues need to have a system in place so MCPS is not the one paying the bills. I also suggest a mandatory shutdown of the signs during designated times. Although it is nice reading a sign that says, "Happy Summer Vacation," the nice feeling is not worth the cost of powering the sign.

Susan Avjian, North Potoma

Gazette, Lettor to Editor August 5, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Ms. Avijian should know that "private donations" means PTA parents and Principals. Many PTAs are controlled by Principals. The Principal wants a sign, the PTA is tasked with raising the money.


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