
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

MCPS endorsement used in milk advertising - students too!

"All of our technology partners know they are not permitted to use MCPS testimonials in advertising. Superintendent Jerry Weast, January 7, 2009 in answer to Board of Education Question #9.
But, apparently the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association is free to use MCPS testimonials and MCPS students in their advertising campaigns! Here is the mission statement of the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association:

Mission Statement: Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association builds demand for milk and dairy products and enhances the image of the dairy industry on behalf of dairy farmers.
Sure enough! Just take a look at the video that the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association has produced in conjunction with MCPS' Nutrition Director Kathy Lazor, MCPS administrators, and made available on YouTube. Makes you want to run out and buy milk in a plastic container, doesn't it?

Once again we see MCPS being used to endorse a product. This blog has reported on previous incidents of MCPS being used to endorse products here, here, and here; and an incident where MCCPTA was used to endorse a product here.

In addition, in this commercial video we see rooms and rooms of MCPS students being used as well. Do you think MCPS got releases from all of the students shown in this commercial? Take a look at the video, maybe you will spot your child in it.

MCPS' Ethics Policy says that its purpose is:

To promote the highest level of ethical conduct on the part of all persons associated with MCPS; to ensure the highest public confidence in the impartiality and independent judgment of Board of Education members and school employees.

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UPDATE: As of 2:30 PM August 19, 2009, the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association YouTube video (shown above) has been removed from YouTube. However, the video can still be seen here on the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association website.

2012 UPDATE:  The video has now been removed from the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association website too!

1 comment:

  1. This is HIDEOUS! Who allowed this, who got paid? Why are our kids shilling for the dairy farmers??


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