
Friday, August 21, 2009

Washington Post: 3-Strikes Policy Gets Expelled

With Motivation in Mind, Fairfax Schools Drop Automatic Failure Rule
by Jenna Johnson

For years Fairfax County public schools have had one of the strictest attendance policies in the region: Miss three classes in a quarter without a legitimate excuse, get an automatic F.

But the three-strikes policy made it nearly impossible for students who skipped class a few times to change their ways; they had little motivation to show up for class because they had already failed.

"There's no hope for that grade at that point," said Teresa Zutter, director of intervention and prevention services. "The student says: 'Why should I try? I can't undo this mistake.' "

So schools officials decided to get rid of the policy starting this fall....

...In Montgomery County, high school students who accumulate five unexcused ("unlawful") absences in a semester generally receive a failing grade and lose course credit. But Betsy Brown, the school system's director of curriculum and instruction, said that the regulation is under review...

...Parents have complained about the policy for years, which can occasionally cause trouble for seniors who are trying to graduate, said Michele Menapace, president of the Fairfax County Council of PTAs. Menapace said she has never understood why school systems would link attendance to grades...

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