
Monday, September 7, 2009

Gifted Education: A fresh approach

I have argued, I believe successfully, that a LABEL is neither required by law nor a useful and enforceable tool in addressing the educational needs of a child. Furthermore, groups in Montgomery County, Maryland, have objected to the practice of affixing a label.

A far more useful tool, that addresses the debate over labels, and places the power to determine a child's education squarely in the parent's hands is a legally enforceable "Parent Letter," that I have proposed.

Pressuring MCPS to issue the legally binding letter, as I propose, will
specifically address all known concerns.

Global Screening Parent Letter

Under my proposal, MCPS MUST provide copies of all tests administered and issue a letter confirming that the child has been tested in conformity with applicable law, policy, regulation, AND states that the child has been identified for X, Y, Z, services, using the well-publicized criteria A, B, C.

As I have been suggesting for the last three-years, the letter would represent a binding and enforceable legal document, far more powerful than a mere label. The label does not define the specific services MCPS is bound to deliver whereas my proposed legally binding letter would.

Let us move away from labels and demand something practical.

1 comment:

  1. Kumar, What an interesting concept. I will never forget when our student tested for the elementary 4th/5th grade magnet the test scores were only available by phone. And if parents didn't know to call MCPS, they never got the scores.


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