
Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Next Superintendent: The Humanities--Art and Music

Every Child is an Artist
--Pablo Picasso

In reading the Parents' Coalition’s Second Annual List of Course Fees I see that art classes are costed out and not free at the Montgomery County Public Schools. Let me repeat: our children who are artists are not allowed access to a free public education. They must pay to take their coursework, while children who are budding scientists or mathematicians receive a pass; their education is free. Our musicians too must pay a ‘dry cleaning’ fee at some schools in the county. Their education is not free either.

This discrimination against our children whose focus is on the Humanities is nothing new at MCPS. It still has the power to shock of course.

Our next superintendent must be an individual who values ALL of our children. She or he must be of some intellect, enough to recognize the humanity and value in Art and Music and the important role both play in our lives.

I am currently reading, Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain, by the noted physician, Oliver Sacks. His focus in this fascinating book is on the interaction of neurological conditions and music, such as musical hallucinations; amusia, the loss of the ability to ‘hear’ music as a comprehensive whole; perfect pitch; the inter-relationship between music and Parkinson ’s disease; music therapy, and the like. We know now that music is hardwired into our species, as is art. Archaeologists working in Europe have identified what appear to be the earliest musical instruments, some 40,000 years old. Similarly, art works that date to at least 30,000 years ago have been discovered throughout caves in Europe.

Stripping our public education system of art and music takes a toll on the lives of our children and our civic life; the quality of life we enjoy in Montgomery County will be lost if we continue down this path of public policy. Our next superintendent must be a person who values all our children, including the artists and musicians among them.

1 comment:

  1. I realize I am responding to a rather old post, but after attending today's MD All State Jr. Chorus concert hosted @ Whitman, I'm fired up again. My son excels in academics, but LOVES music. His older sisters participate in music programs in college - one has a great scholarship to fund the opportunity - and only because of their MS & HS music programs did they have the opportunity to become accomplished musicians because my budget does not allow for private music lessons. So, what can we do to organize parents around this issue - can't imagine the uproar if GT class offerings were on the chopping block for the majority of schools.


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