
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Start Saving or Selling MCPS Class of 2010

Do you know how much your child may be asked to pay for the honor of receiving a diploma from a Montgomery County Public School in 2010?

I am not talking about college applications, prom parties, or AP tests. Just graduation. Ninety minutes to two hours, in DAR Constitution Hall for the majority of MCPS graduates.

Here is an interesting posting from one of our top Montgomery County High School's Assistant Principal. Caps and gowns cost $30, but apparently this school doesn't let you reuse or recycle a (standard black) cap and gown from a sibling or neighbor. That also leaves a graduation "fee" of $35, for DAR and a picnic.

So what's the solution? FUNDRAISING. Get the entrepreneurial spirit moving and start selling those magazines, gift wrapping, bath items, kitchen and chocolates.

Its bad enough that MCPS administrators shake down the parents of the graduates, now the pressure is extended to friends, families, and neighbors.

What happened to recycling a gown from a sib or a neighbor? And why does a student incur a penalty for paying after January 1?

Special Note - the students at this school did not view the President Obama's back to school speech, because instructional time is precious. So why did they spend school time on a promotional "informational" session?

Senior Parents
The senior class will be participating in a fundraiser this year to help deter the costs for a variety of activities. As always there is a required senior fee that all graduating seniors pay. The cost of the fee includes cap and gown, graduation expenses, and the senior picnic. Below is the schedule of the fee payments that can be made. Please note the increases the longer a child waits to pay the fee.

Currently- January 1st $65
January 4th- April 6th $70

April 7th-graduation $75

All checks for senior fees can be made payable to [school]. Checks should have the student's ID number written on it. All fees can be given to [sponsor] of the senior class.


All seniors were given a fundraiser packet and participated in an informational session. Please ask your child to view the informational sheet which will also be posted on the XX Website. The purpose of the fundraiser is an incentive for students to lower the cost of the amount they will pay for the senior fee. The fundraising company will credit each student their sales individually. Any overage beyond the amount of the fee can then be utilized to be put toward the cost of the senior banquet ticket. ( NOTE: The cost of the banquet tickets has not been determined at this time)

There is an option for students to acquire customers via online. We strongly encourage students to use this option. Once a customer places and order online he/she can simply credit their order to a specific student. There orders will then be shipped to them directly. This allows for sales all over the country by the simple click of an email. Below are the directions for online ordering which are also part of the informational sheet:

ON LINE SHOPPING - Now friends and relatives can order from our on line store. To use the on line store and receive credit for the sale you must:

1) Go to
and click Sellers Registration.

2) Enter your School Group ID - XXHSSR and click Go. Enter your information and click Next.

3) You will now receive a unique Seller ID to give to friends and family. Be sure to write down your Seller ID. Enter email addresses for friends and family and an auto message giving instructions will be sent along with your personal message. You can send unlimited emails! It's easy, just have email addresses ready to send and we will do the rest. Customers order and pay on line and we will deliver to their home. Your class receives the profit and you receive the credit toward your senior fees and banquet tickets.

4) MAGAZINES: You can also renew current magazine subscriptions or purchase new magazines at the AP Hearst store. Use code #[ ]. Click on "Sellers Registration" and you can also send emails to friends and relatives.

If you have individual questions about the senior fees, fundraiser, or any other senior activity please contact me directly. I can best address your needs through individual questions As always, thank you for supporting your senior.

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