
Monday, September 14, 2009

Tip of the Day for Dr. Weast

Many of us who follow local education politics in Montgomery County Education know how much our Superintendent, Dr. Jerry Weast, adores Harvard University. Look on the Montgomery County Public School's website, and you will see accolades and joint initiatives with the Cambridge, Massachusetts institution.

So, here is a management tip from HBR that should be of interest to the top brass at Carver. It's called: "Before You Call it "New and Improved," Be Sure it Really Is." Here is my favorite part:

Before you roll out a new service, feature, or product under the "new and improved" moniker, be sure to understand whether it is something customers want. Evaluate new innovations through the lens of the market — not just the lens of your organization.

While MCPS is "rethinking" GT identification, learning centers, high school plus, or [readers should insert their own favorite tossed MCPS program here], wouldn't it be nice if Dr. Weast and the Board of Education actually considered its customers?

Thanks Harvard, for the Tip of the Day. Next time you see the folks from MCPS, can you share some more of your wisdom?

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