
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Washington Post: 2 MD Counties Miss the Mark in Academic Achievement

Md. Tests A Blow To Two Counties
Schools Fall Short In Montgomery And Pr. George's

Nelson Hernandez reports:
Educationally speaking, Montgomery and Prince George's counties are a world apart. But when it comes to hurdling Maryland's ever-rising bar for academic achievement, the two school systems have one thing in common: They tripped up this year...

Other warning signs this month:

20% Drop Sports after 50% Fee Increase
Montgomery County graduation rates fall
In one door and out the other: Longview and Gateway

Meanwhile, the Superintendent and staff continue to travel despite the announced hiring and travel freeze.


  1. Correction to This Article
    The article incorrectly said that the Montgomery County school system would be designated a "system in improvement" if it failed to meet the state's academic standards next year. For the county to be targeted, it would have to fail for two years in a row in the same subject area for the same subgroup at all three levels (elementary, middle and high school). This year, the school system failed in the same subgroup at all three levels but in different subject areas, so it would not be at risk of having its status changed no matter what next year's performance turns out to be.

  2. Lots of ways to measure progress. Anyone care to comment on how MCPS will do this year with regard to such high school rakings?


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