
Friday, October 23, 2009

A better view of scores and school boundaries

For those who prefer a pictorial view of data instead of tables of numbers, has created a set of bar graphs that illustrate average SAT scores and SAT participation at MCPS high schools.*

Notably, the graphs are based on more recent data than is available from the Schools at a Glance summaries on the MCPS web site.

In addition to the SAT graphs, the site has what are probably the best cluster boundary maps available.  Unlike the primeval style boundary maps on the MCPS site, the cluster boundary maps use the Google maps API so it's fast and easy to zoom in and look around.

*Please note that one should be careful in drawing conclusions from average SAT scores.  Average SAT scores can be driven up by, for example, discouraging lower performing students from taking the SAT or by encouraging students to take the SAT test several times and then reporting only the highest score. 

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