
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Schools settle suit over Public Information Act request - The Arundel Muckraker

Full story at: Schools settle suit over Public Information Act request - The Arundel Muckraker

Schools settle suit over Public Information Act request
Newly released internal data suggests racial gaps may be wider than reported
Monday, October 12, 2009
By Ryan Bagwell
Muckraker Staff Writer

The Anne Arundel school system has settled a 6-month-old lawsuit over a hefty fee it wanted to charge the public for the results of some internal countywide tests.

After demanding nearly $500 for the results of so-called benchmark exams taken during the 2008-09 school year, officials last month agreed to release the data for free and pay The Arundel Muckraker's court costs, which totaled $115.

Note: The Anne Arundel County Public Schools Superintendent is former MCPS Community Superintendent Dr. Kevin Maxwell.

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