
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Weast - Field Trips Not for Students

Superintendent Jerry Weast is a strong supporter of field trips! That is, he is a strong supporter of field trips for staff. Staff field trips are funded through the MCPS Operating Budget, student field trips are not. 

Superintendent Weast doesn't support field trips for students. Field trips for students are not considered part of the curriculum and are therefore "optional". What does that mean? That means that if the field trips are deemed "optional" Superintendent Weast doesn't have to legally fund the field trips.
Students that can't pay to participate in field trips stay at school, and get an equally as enriching experience, according to Superintendent Weast's administration. 
So here is some good news from Target! Target is offering Field Trip Grants to get kids out of the classroom and exploring their community. In our case, that community is Washington, D.C. with a lot to offer. Tell your teachers about this great opportunity and help them apply for one of these great grants to get students out exploring!

Meanwhile, maybe the three MCPS staff (here, here & here) who are on a "field trip" to a conference in Minneapolis this week will send us a post card! It will be just like we are there with them!

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