
Sunday, October 11, 2009

White Flint: Overcrowded Schools Coming Your Way Part 3

The White Flint Sector Plan is coming, folks! More congestion, overcrowded schools, bet you can't wait! How can that be? Why, your county government "plans" to get rid of that pesky Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance. No, not YOU! You can go back to watching TV. Just you folks in the White Flint Sector" area. Oh, and you folks at B-CC too. oh, and Seneca Valley. and Clarksburg...

According to a recent memo from Dr. Weast, Superintendent at our Montgomery County, Maryland Public School system,
"The draft sector plan envisions 9,800 more residential units in the White Flint
area. This number of units is estimated to generate 410 elementary school
students, 380 middle school students, and 330 high school students at full
build-out in 20 to 30 years."

Where will those children go? What kind of education will they receive? The White Flint ‘Plan’ does not identify any place for them to go. That’s right folks, no school site is identified. At a public meeting held recently, Royce Hanson, the Planning Board chair, was heard to state, not to worry, there won’t be more than a dozen or so children...So, no schools. Oh wait; right…we need a school…where? Who knows? Not the Montgomery County ‘planners.’ That is not their concern.

How about a library where we and our children can sit, relax, and read, and learn to collect information and write their school papers? How about a library where they can snuggle and hear stories, and imagine life outside their own? The plan speaks glowingly about an ‘express library…’ so, no chairs. No books. No tables. No librarians. More like a book ‘ATM’ where you can place your order and the library system will let you know when it has arrived. This library is based on the fast-food McDonald’s type model. Step up, place your order, and we will let you know when your book is ready--via computer. What a vision! More like a nightmare.

The White Flint Sector Plan is snaking its way through your County Council. Please speak up NOW and tell the County Council WE DON’T WANT THIS FOR OUR CHILDREN. Our children deserve real schools and real libraries. Our children deserve real parks -- not express parks. Our children deserve a real rich environment, not one planned by Cronyist government employees who have never been to our neighborhoods.

Tell the County Council:

The proposed plan has too much density. 9,800 new residential units are unsustainable. 20,000 new jobs and no new public transit are unsustainable.

12.98 MILLION Square Feet of non-residentail space is unsustainable.

The proposed plan does not accommodate our children.

The proposed traffic congestion levels and street grid with increased idling increases particulates in the air and are dangerous to small lungs.

The White Flint Sector neighborhoods should not be excluded from our county’s Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance with shoddy cut-rate libraries and overcrowded schools.

Contact the Council at:

Contact your Councilmembers NOW:

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