
Sunday, October 18, 2009

White Flint Sector Plan: Public Hearings Oct 20 and Oct 22

The County Council will be taking public testimony on the Draft White Flint Sector Plan this coming Tuesday, Oct 20 and Thursday, Oct 22nd, starting at 7:30 pm at the Council offices, 100 Maryland Ave, Rockville.

I would encourage you to go so our representatives on the Council knows how important this is to our communities. I know it is difficult, what with work, commuting, kids, grocery shopping and the like.

If you can't make it please make sure to email the council, at .

District 1 Council Representative Roger Berliner's email is:

To remind you of the issues as stake, the following are points raised by members of the White Flint Community Coalition, a true grassroots coalition of residents consisting of: Crest of Wickford Condominium Association, Garrett Park Citizens Association, Garrett Park Estates–White Flint Park Citizens’ Association, Luxmanor Citizens Association, Sterling Homeowners Association, Timberlawn Homeowners Association, and the Wickford Community Association. If you agree with any or all of the points below we urge you to communicate with the Council and its members.

1. Do not approve a change in the Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance.

2. There is already too much congestion and there are already too many failed intersections surrounding our community. Do not change congestion standards to allow for the proposed increase in traffic.

3. Too much density is proposed. A change that is over six times the current no. of residential units is too much, with no library; no school location proposed within the new sector; and no additional public transportation is not sustainable.

4. The plan calls for too much density that is not supported by the public transit system.

5. Do not redesign Wall Park without substantial community input.

6. The plan needs to address compatibility with existing surrounding neighborhoods, and needs to have explicit steps and implementation dates to protect our streets from cut-through traffic.

7. Do not change the adequacy of public school facilities test to allow for a higher level of overcrowding. We do not want our Walter Johnson schools to become overcrowded.

8. We endorse the following:

§One central core of appropriate density, mixed-use development focused around Metro;
§ Surrounding development clusters that are secondary to the central core and compatible with existing neighborhoods;
§ Walkable and cyclable destinations;
§ A public green and green spaces throughout;
§ Sustainable development consistent with 21st-century climate goals;
§ High-quality, uncrowded schools in the Walter Johnson cluster;
§ A clear transportation plan, commenced contemporaneously with commercial and residential development.

The County Council needs to hear from you. And again, read the plan! At If you have questions please comment here and I will respond.

Paula Bienenfeld
Luxmanor Citizens Association Planning and Development Chair

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