
Friday, November 6, 2009

BOE set to approve spending $200,000 on Promethean Board "consulting" project

Weast previously told BOE that Promethean was funding project

In a memo dated November 10, 2009, Superintendent Weast is seeking BOE approval to spend $200,000 for "technology consultant" services provided by The Critical Thinking Consortium (TC²).  The services are being purchased on a "no-bid" basis and no details about the services are provided in Dr. Weast's memo.

A document obtained by the Parents' Coalition from The Critical Thinking Consortium (see below) describes the proposed services.

In a memo dated January 9, 2009 (see Question #12 of memo),  Dr. Weast told the BOE that Promethean was funding the services provided by The Critical Thinking Consortium, so it's not clear why Dr. Weast is now seeking funding approval from the BOE.

CT Consortium MCPS Draft Budget


  1. Yes, drop on by their office next time you are in British Columbia.

    The Critical Thinking Consortium
    Education Building, UBC
    6365 Biological Sciences Road
    Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z4

    So why is MCPS paying a fee to be a "partner" in a company to train staff that is in British Columbia? Did someone need frequent flyer miles?

  2. Wait - I just read the document again.

    $50,000 for travel.

    Gee, maybe if the trainers didn't have to come from British Columbia we - the taxpayers - wouldn't have to pay $50,000 in travel costs.

  3. Did you notice who will own the online tutorials?

  4. and the budgeted amount is in Canadian or US dollars? at the current exchange of .93 Canadian to US, that would make a big difference. Not to mention that $200K will fund 3 teaching positions for one year. . .

  5. Here's the link to the "Partner" fee structure.

    Pony up, pardner!


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