
Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Parents Coalition

Today, November 18, 2009, is the seventh birthday of Parents Coalition. Many of you ask about how we started. Here is an article from the Gazette:

Essentially - the groups that met on November 18, 2002 represented a broad range of parent interests. Energized by Robyn Traywick's showing in the recent Board of Education election against the more well known activist Reggie Felton, we thought that perhaps we could try to change the face of the Board of Education by getting a friendly face elected. Many of us knew each other from PTAs and other school and community activities. We met in Ellen Paul's house to talk about working together - while our specific interests were as diverse as the groups themselves, we talked about how jointly we might support each other. We called ourselves "November 18th" because that was the date of the meeting. We later changed our name to Parents Coalition, started a political action committee and a listserve to stimulate community discussion. For the 2004 election cycle, we supported Bob Astrove and Sheldon Fishman; Bob lost in the primary and Sheldon list in the general election. The PAC is still on the books, but its modest treasury remains untouched, waiting for someone to come up with a good idea. What is now different?

The listserve has been fairly active since its inception, its
one of the most free flowing discussions on educational issues in Mo Co, on a wide variety of topics. The website has been useful to keep background information  And the blog? We get visitors from Asia, from college admissions staff, and all around the world.

More important, we are seen as the resource for getting things done in education in Montgomery County. We are working with similar organizations in Fairfax, and have requests from other parents groups (for example, Howard and Calvert Counties in Maryland) for suggestions on how to get mobilized.
As we envisioned when we started - we are the resource to help other folks advocate in the education system in Montgomery County. Look at our blog, and you will see a variety of issues - many of which have been brought up by others who use us as a platform. I especially love the kids from Piney Branch Elementary School and their request for a greener cafeteria. We serve as the oversight for the county educational system because the Board of Education simply refuses to act. Taxpayer money is finite. More importantly, we want a system that works,not one that is constantly experimenting, without evaluating what works and what doesn't. Our children only get one chance to go from kindergarten to grade 12, no call backs, no repeats. Their minds are our most precious resource, and we want to see them get what they deserve.

Its been a great 7 years of working with all of you. Thanks for supporting and working with us on behalf of the kids.

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