
Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tilden MS to move / Woodward to re-open

Another surprise tucked into the newly released MCPS Capital Improvement Program budget document:
Tilden Middle School is currently located at the Woodward facility that is located on Old Georgetown Road. Rather than modernize the Woodward facility for Tilden Middle School, the current Tilden Holding Facility, that is used for middle schools and is located on Tilden Lane, will be modernized to house Tilden Middle School. The Woodward facility will then become a secondary school holding facility for middle and high school modernizations scheduled after Tilden Middle School.
The CIP Budget Chapter on the Walter Johnson Cluster is here.
Remember just a few years ago Superintendent Weast surplused part of the Woodward High School site for housing because Tilden Middle School didn't "need" all that land.  How things change in just 5 years!

Here is what Superintendent Weast said in 2004 to convince the Board of Education to surplus the parcel of land at the Woodward site:
...At one time, while the school was known and operated as Charles Woodward High School, a driveway was considered for development through the parcel to obtain access to Edson Lane and relieve on-site traffic congestion...The driveway was never built and is no longer needed for the operation of the middle school, since an additional traffic signal was installed on Old Georgetown Road to facilitate ingress and egress from the school. It is unlikely that this parcel will be needed in the future.
Anyone want that driveway (or any other use) land to be available if the site is now a high school again? Will Montgomery County Government  give back that land to the Woodward High School site?

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