
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

2011 MCPS Transportation Budget Petition - The Petition Site

According to the information on this petition, this effort has been started by a 6th grader.

2011 MCPS Transportation Budget Petition - The Petition Site
Jerry Weast, Superintendent of Schools, proposed to cut off all transportation for out of local buses, forcing any IB or magnet program students to find their own way to school. Many students, including myself, can NOT find this kind of transportation. Please spread the news about this problem.


  1. In the event that Montgomery County Public Schools does not receive local funding for the
    Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Budget at the minimum Maintenance of Effort (MOE) level, it will be
    necessary to CONSIDER significant service reductions in the base budget. The amount of reductions will depend on how much local funding is actually received compared to the amount required by the Maintenance of Effort. The list contains potential major reductions in the budget.
    The list is not in any priority order, but will give stakeholders an overall idea of what reductions may be necessary to consider before the FY 2011 Operating Budget is approved in June 2010.

  2. @ anonymous: Thanks for the MCPS Press Release. But actually, no service reductions are needed. There is plenty of fat to be cut from the MCPS budget and no services to children need to be touched.

    MCPS has a $2.1 billion budget. The miniscule numbers Weast is mentioning could be cut from the budget in non-classroom ways and no students would be impacted.

    Let's start with the MCPS credit cards. Cut them up.
    Let's close the "Leadership Development Team" office.
    Let's cut the MCPS staff person whose job it is to "handle" the Student Member of the Board of Education.
    Let's put cell phone tower revenue IN the budget and appropriate its use.
    Let's put E-Rate revenue IN the budget and approriate its use.
    Let's put ALL contracts/leases over $25,000 up for competitive bid as REQUIRED BY LAW. (Imagine that change!) Then let's take the lowest bidder, not the vendor that offers trips to Europe.

    Problem solved. No student services touched.


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