
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dr. Weast's FY 2011 Budget Proposal Ends MCPS's Reign as a World Class School System

December may bring thoughts of holidays and snow, but here in Montgomery County Maryland, it's time again for the annual budget attack on the "special programs" in the public schools.
In the Superintendent's newly released FY 2011 Operating Budget Proposal, Dr. Weast once again sends his spear to the heart of the special programs. Dr. Weast's FY 2011 Operating Budget puts the Blair Blazers back on the cutting block, cuts the ignition for RM's Rockets, and clips the wings off the Poolesville Falcons.
Yes, the school system's special programs are in jeopardy again.
Included in Dr. Weast's recommended cuts are the following:
  • 20 percent cut in teacing positions for in the immersion, IB, signature and other special program teachers
  • Elimination of transportation outside "normal" attendance zones for all special programs, including magnet, immersion, IB, high school consortia
  • Elimination of additional staffing to middle school consortia special course offerings at Loiederman, Argyle, and Parkland 
  • Elimination of extracurricular activities including athletics through a reduction in staff stipends.
What's left?  Not much, and certainly not a "world class" school system.  
Read about the budget on the school system's website and plan to participate. 

Budget Calendar
Dec. 23, 2009Sign-up begins for BOE Operating Budget hearings
Jan. 13, 2010 7 p.m.BOE Operating Budget hearing
Jan. 20, 2010 7 p.m.BOE Operating Budget hearing
Jan. 27 & 28 2010 6 p.m.BOE Operating Budget work sessions
Feb. 9, 2010BOE Operating Budget action/adoption
March 1, 2010Presentation to the Montgomery County Executive and County Council
April 2010County Council budget hearings (exact dates to be determined)
May 20, 2010County Council approves Operating Budget
June 8, 2010Final BOE action on the FY 2011 Operating Budget

Get ready for liftoff.  


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