
Friday, December 11, 2009

Just Up the Pike: Kindergarteners to go to Middle School in back room deal

At a November 11, 2009, Board of Education meeting two Oakland Terrace parents presented public comment about the state of the overcrowding at their school. Superintendent Jerry Weast responded that he would work on an arrangement for them. 

Board of Education President Shirley Brandman introduced a resolution on November 19th with regard to Oakland Terrace Elementary School, but as Board member Laura Berthiaume began to discuss and ask questions about the details of what was being contemplated, she was cut off by Board President Brandman. 

The blog Just Up the Pike reports on what the Oakland Terrace ES community is now learning about what was obviously planned last month.

Friday, December 11, 2009

kindergartners at overcrowded elementary could be sent to middle school
Call it an early promotion: kindergarteners at the notoriously-overcrowded Oakland Terrace Elementary School in Wheaton will soon be bused to empty classrooms at Sligo Middle School due to a lack of space. Both on and off the blog, I've heard from concerned parents who say Montgomery County Public Schools' latest proposal could put their kids at risk...


  1. How about this:
    use some of the space at Stephen Knolls School, which is practically within walking distance of Oakland Terrace. Try some innovative "reverse mainstreaming."
    Lyda Astrove

  2. Yes, Stephen Knolls has space available.


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