
Saturday, December 19, 2009

oops....I did it again

During a 2 1/2-hour meeting between those in the school community
and members of the County Council on the council's education
subcommittee, Frieda Lacey, the deputy superintendent, apologized for
the manner in which the public had been excluded from making the call
on the sensitive budgetary matter.

"It was a huge mistake of the school system," she said of the fact
stakeholders have not been kept fully abreast of the proposal."

Remember that? It wasn't all that long ago that the Deputy Superintendent, Frieda Lacey, was apologizing to the County Council for failing to tell members of the disability community about changes planned to special education programs and services.

Now they've done it again. MCPS is planning a massive shift of special education preschoolers, ONCE AGAIN with no notice to, or consultation with, the disability community OR the affected stakeholders: parents of children receiving intensive special education preschool services at the Montgomery Primary Achievement Center.

Wonder what the Baldridge reviewers would have to say about this one? No notice to, or consultation with the community, no advance planning, and not even any notice whatsoever to the current service provider that this change was even a possibility. Just "head 'em up, and move 'em out." No documentation showing the real costs of moving the children vs. keeping them in an existing program, no conversations with the current service partner on how to coordinate a successful transition...and on and on.

With apologies to Britney Spears, some music is in order:

I think they did it again
They made me believe they care what we think
Oh, baby
It might seem like a rush
But it doesn't mean they'll deviate
'Cause to lose families' trust
That is just so typically MCPS
Oh, baby, baby

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