
Saturday, December 5, 2009

SMOB asks constituents: What do you want?

During his campaign, Student Member of the Board (SMOB) Tim Hwang used a Facebook discussion page to ask his constituents a simple question:  "What do you want?"  The discussion page is still up and students can continue to post their comments on the page.  (Update 3:55 p.m. 12/6/09:  The entire SMOB 2.0 Facebook page has disappeared from public view but continues to be accessible to people selected by the SMOB.)

What are the top issues for students, according to the replies on Hwang's page?  (Student names and faces have been obscured for privacy.)

Which of the issues that students listed above are being addressed by Hwang?  None, it appears.  So far, the only issue that has received attention by Hwang is a proposal for the SMOB to be able to vote on budgetary matters and boundary changes.

Why is the SMOB's main goal to give future SMOBs the ability to vote on budgetary and boundary matters, even though his constituents have clearly told him that bathrooms, open lunches, and lower parking permit fees are what really matter to them?


  1. Even Wootton closes bathrooms (see above dialog - about the bathroom closure near room 254 by a Wootton student.
    So bathrooms are closed in red and green zone schools. What is up with MCPS?

  2. See the response to this article, from the STUDENT being attacked by you:

    ...and see these posts on Facebook:

    Eric Luedtke The Montgomery County Parents' Coalition's attack on high school Student Member of the Board of Ed Tim Hwang for speaking his mind is just about the most despicable thing I've ever seen. Tim's response only highlights who is the reasonable and responsible party.

    David Heller: I agree Eric. I was disgusted when I read the post on the parents blog.

    Adam Pagnucco: Of course, the Parents Coalition blogger who criticized Tim Hwang posted anonymously as "Magnet Mom." Vileness and cowardice blend easily into a toxic stew.

  3. @ the anonymous comment from Montgomery County Government computer. Friday comes before Saturday. On Friday the SMOB Tim Hwang published a blog post about curricular fees & a post about tone.

    On Saturday Magnet Mom on the Parents' Coalition blog published a response to the Curricular Fees post by the SMOB. The SMOB has not responded to that posting as of yet.

    With regard to alleged statements from community leaders, please reference when any of these community leaders have spoken out against the illegal practice of charging students to attend public school? Certainly, they must have, it's in the Maryland Constitution that students are guaranteed a free public education.

    Thanks so much.

  4. Oh and speaking of "vile", the bathrooms at Montgomery Blair High School are now unlocked.

    Congratulations to the Silver Chips reporter who brought this issue to the public and advocated for student access to bathrooms during the school day!

  5. The bathrooms at Montgomery Blair are now unlocked, but are also unstocked with supplies. I thought we paid our taxes - what about hygiene? Do the kids at Blair need to go offsite in search of toilet paper?

  6. We have now heard that over the last few years bathrooms have been locked at Kennedy HS, Wootton HS, Quince Orchard HS and most recently, Blair HS.

    Locking bathrooms is clearly a practice that Superintendent Jerry Weast supports as he allows this to go on without ever stating a policy prohibiting it.

    Students have clearly spoken up in opposition to having bathrooms locked, yet - has any Student Member of the Board of Education ever brought this to the Board table as an action item? If not, why not?

    Why the silence from the adults and the students elected to oversee the school system? Why should either of them get a pass in allowing this practice to continue year after year?


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