
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

UM system considers toughening math requirements --

UM system considers toughening math requirements --

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  1. Any comment on this forum about the record number of AP tests taken by MCPS students? Is the "success rate" proportional to or better than earlier years as well? On the surface, it seems to be a valid metric.

  2. Did Jerry Weast put out the data - he is "data-driven" after all, or just a fluff press release?

    Harford County Public Schools released the actual AP data weeks ago.

    Why has it taken so long for Weast to put out even a fluffy press release if the results are so "good"?

    We would be happy to post the data for discussion, but no need to regurgitate Weast PR. He has a $10 million PR department for that.

    Let us know when you get a copy of the actual AP data like Harford County put out. We will be happy to post that.

  3. No sweat, Janis! I am offering my consulting services, *free of charge*!!!, to any MCPS school that needs extra help getting ready for the possible move towards higher math standards.

    You see, Nancy Grasmick says that courses taken at UMD by homeschooled students are not good enough to meet the "regular and thorough" instruction requirement that homeschoolers have to comply with. Such courses can only be viewed as a "supplement" (her word -- my expression is "icing on the cake".)

    Of course, some might argue, when a conclusion is reached that appears unworkable, the first move is to reexamine the basic premise -- hers is that homeschooling parents must teach their children themselves and provide the meatier part of the instruction themselves in the 8 COMAR-mandated subjects. We know best!

    To be fair, she agrees with me that it is not exactly what the regs say. But she says it is their *intent*.

    So, as I bask in the glory of knowing that MSDE values my skills and expertise so highly -- a courageous move on Grasmick's part that is nothing short of a slap in the face of the NEA -- I hereby offer my help. Free of charge.


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