
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BOE Policy Committee receives curricular fee update

In case you missed it, the BOE Policy Committee met yesterday, and one of items on the agenda was an update by Diane Mohr on Policy JNA, Curricular Expenses for Students (in other words, illegal course fees).

Although ten minutes had been set aside to hear from Ms. Mohr, her entire presentation lasted only about three minutes. The highlights were:
  • Schools are now in the process of submitting course fee waiver records to MCPS.
  • MCPS is going to tally the waived fees and produce a report about waived fees to the BOE. 
  • Parkland Middle School requested and received approval for an additional fee after the school year began.  The fee is for an aeronautical design class.  
  • One school is not charging any course fees this year, but the name of the school was not revealed during the meeting.
  • The 2010 - 2011 course bulletin is now being developed and it will include the fees for each course.
The BOE Policy Committee is comprised of Shirley Brandman (chair), Chris Barclay, Pat O’Neill, and Tim Hwang (SMOB).

Mrs. Brandman, Mr. Barclay, and Mrs. O'Neill were present for the entire meeting.

Mr. Hwang did not attend, even though the meeting was held outside of school hours.

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