
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fuzzy Math at its Best

Remember a few years ago when the big uproar in Montgomery County concerned "fuzzy math?"  Remember when our kids were taught that math questions had more than one answer? 

Fuzzy math is back.

In his January 8 2010 memo to the Board of Education, Dr. Weast confirms that MoCo residents now have a fuzzy budget made up of fuzzy math numbers.

Remember that big budget document Dr. Weast issued a few weeks back with his projections for how he will spend our taxpayer money and what will happen if he doesn't get everything?

Fooled you. 

That document was not based on data, numbers or studies.  Just read his January 8 memo, and you will see the following answers to questions:

Answer to Question 4:  There are no studies or other evaluations of the impact of academic intervention teachers.

Answer to Question 5:  There are no studies or other evaluations of the impact of elementary school regular education paraeducators. 

Answer to Question 7:  As with other potential budget reductions, no decisions on possible changes have yet been made.

Am I reading this correctly?  No data?  No decisions? 

What exactly is this school budget all about and why ask for public opinion if you don't know what is possible?

The folks of MoCo are making their decisions right now.  High school students are in the process of selecting courses for next year, students articulating from elementary to middle school and middle school from high school are making decisions about where to enroll.

Families need facts, not smoke and mirrors from behind the curtain. 

You are not in Kansas anymore, Dr. Weast.    Perhaps its time to locate that balloon.

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