
Friday, January 1, 2010

Picking a new superintendent

It's time for Montgomery County citizens to start learning about the process for picking a new public schools superintendent. Our current superintendent, Jerry Weast, has said he will not stay on when his current contract is up on June 30, 2011.

Milwaukee Public Schools is currently selecting their next Superintendent and two of the finalists have MCPS connections, one current and one past.

We can start educating ourselves about selecting a new Superintendent by following the Milwaukee Public Schools' process.

In two December 31st articles from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel we learn that; the Milwaukee press is interested in pursuing candidate selection information that should be public under the open records law, and that disability groups are not represented on the stakeholder panel that will interview the candidates for superintendent. 

Journal Sentinel sues MPS for release of candidates' names
...The Journal Sentinel is suing Milwaukee Public Schools under the state's open records law, seeking to force the district to reveal the names of the six final candidates in the search for the next MPS superintendent...

Who's in, who's out of MPS superintendent stakeholder group

...Then there's the issue of people who wanted to be included on the list, but weren't. Several disability rights advocates expressed concern that while the stakeholders Bonds recommended were racially diverse, nobody on the list represented people with disabilities.

Karen Avery, associate director of IndpendenceFirst, said that surprised her, given the high percentage of students in MPS that receive special education services.

"We want to know what (the potential superintendents') experience and expertise is in dealing with special education issues, and what sorts of skills they have to deal with the current situation," Avery said, referring to an ongoing and complex lawsuit MPS is embroiled in, regarding its ability to adequately provide special education services to students...

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