
Friday, January 15, 2010

Promethean Technology, Critical Thinking, and Northeast Consortium

Northeast Consortium Clusters Meeting
Wednesday January 20, 2010
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Location: White Oak MS, 12201 New Hampshire Ave., Silver Spring

NOTE: This meeting will begin at 7 pm instead of the previously
announced 7:30 pm in order to accommodate the program and allow time
for questions and answers.

TOPIC: Presentation on Critical Thinking Consortium and Promethean
Technology and the participation of Blake, Paint Branch and
Springbrook High Schools

Sounds nice, right? Maybe attendees would like a little background.
1. The "Critical Thinking Consortium" is a "Partnership" organization, based in
CANADA. (Canada?!)

2. Montgomery County Public Schools is listed as a "partner" for the 2009-2010
school year

3, Partnership fees are based on the size of the organization's teaching staff.
Large organizations (over 4,000 teachers) pay $1250.

4. MCPS has "endorsed" their "product":

Unlike many of the training I have been subjected to over the years, this one
really has made me rethink the way I do everything. I'm looking forward to
continuing with it.

-Teacher, Montgomery County Public Schools, Maryland

5. These programs are NOT CHEAP
Please see page 7 of the "partnership package":
Montgomery County Public Schools: $151,450 (2008-2010)
Promoting critically thoughtful use of Promethean "Activeboards": This project explores the use of Activeboards in elementary, middle and high schools to transform teaching and learning, and to
help close the gap between high and low achieving students. TC2 is helping teachers integrate Promethean's Activeboards in their teaching to enhance student engagement with the curriculum.

Who paid the $151,450? Is this presentation for the Northeast Consortium part of the $151,450? Perhaps some of the Northeast Consortium community members (or the media) can get some answers at the upcoming presentation.

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