
Friday, January 22, 2010

Stranger Danger: Cell Towers on School Grounds

In case you haven't noticed, Daly Elementary School currently has a T-mobile cell tower in the back of the school. (See photograph.) MCPS wants to add additional devices from Clearwire, onto the tower and within the fenced in area at the base of the tower. There are some facts you as community members, parents and tax payers need to know about.

While you read these facts, consider the following questions: What benefit is it doing to our children? What benefit does it bring to our community?Why are other schools benefiting from the cell tower in our backyard? How is this tower helping the value of our homes? When did a public school become a profit generating business?

1. Since the erection of the tower, Daly ES has received a total amount of $31,442.68, each year the amount increases based on the CPI (Consumer Price Index) not to exceed 5%.

2. The cell tower funds the school receives are not appropriated by the County Council and are separate from the approved MCPS budget. Daly ES basically has a slush fund that can be utilized, and not be penalized, for use as the principal wishes. This authority of funds of a non-elected official is, in my opinion, not in the best interest of the school, the community and tax-payers.

3. The majority of this money is still sitting in an account for Daly and has not been used for anything to help improve our school. What good is this money doing if still sitting in an account? There should be a process in place in implementing these funds into the school year that they are received that would benefit the whole school if not the community.

4. Daly currently receives a yearly third of the total amount of $24,000 from T-mobile, as stated in the contract (that is up for renegotiation in approximately a year). MCPS gets a third and then the schools within our cluster receive the other third. Why are school within our cluster benefiting? It is not in their backyard or neighborhood!

5. Clearwire wants to put additional communication devices onto the cell tower to the tune of $24,000 split three ways as stated above.

6. T-mobile frequently visits the cell tower site and until recently when a group of parents brought it to the attention of the school, were not checking into the school as required by their contract.

7. MCPS does not require the employees or subcontractors of T-mobile to have background checks. If anyone, like me, who has a child in the trailers with no barriers, this is a MAJOR concern!

8. Since the erection of the cell tower, the driveway has been an eyesore for the school and the community and needs to be installed properly.

We as parents and tax payers need to demand that the money being brought into our school is used appropriately and for all children.

MCPS and Daly want the PTA to vote on the additional Clearwire devices but at what cost to our school and especially for our children?

Do we want or need more communication devices on school property that will in turn allow more unchecked workers on school grounds?

In my opinion, No.

Jennifer Kerchaert
MCPS parent

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this very important information and in such an easy to follow format. We are speaking out to communities about the towers that are slated for our schools here and some people still think that somehow the money involved is what will make it okay. I will share this article with them for sure!


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