
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Valerie Ervin, "...we get the hammer..."

...because we are never supposed to ask a question..."

At the end of today's Montgomery County Council Joint Committee meeting to review the MCPS School Security and Safety at a Glance publication, Council Vice-President Valerie Ervin made the following statement to MCPS Acting Chief Performance Officer Frank Stetson (Superintendent Jerry Weast was not in attendance). 

Councilmember Ervin's statement came at the end of a Council committee meeting where Councilmembers had questioned the content of the MCPS School Security and Safety at a Glance publication. Specifically, Councilmembers questioned why incidents of bullying did not appear in the report.

Councilmember Ervin ends the meeting by explaining to Mr. Stetson and the public why she was asking questions of MCPS, even though she knows that the "hammer" might come down on her later.

How apropos during a discussion on bullying to mention how Councilmembers are "hammered" when they question MCPS administrators.


  1. Fascinating quotation Number Two: "We can't keep hiding things under the rug that we know are a problem."

  2. Actually I think it's interesting that the "County Council" has not come up with any solutions or answers to impliment in our school system. They are obviously antagonizing the leaders of the school system rather than actually helping. You can be too demanding and offensive in questioning rather than helping to find true solutions. I don't think the county council really offers anything to the "re-building" of our commonwealth anywhere, specifically not in the school system.


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