
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Board & Council Lunch caught on video

Watch the MCPS Board of Education and Montgomery County Council's lunch meeting on September 15, 2009 as they discuss:

0:00 Introduction of agenda - MCPS enrollment trends
1:55 Highland Elementary School
3:47 Weast on construction costs, stimulus money, cheapest interest rate on bonds, 34th year as superintendent, cheap construction,
5:56 MCPS' Bruce Crispbell on MCPS enrollment
10:22 Knapp on declining County revenue projections, Weast on why this is the time to build
22:00 Berliner question on White Flint sector plan school issue
26:00 Ervin on census
29:16 Leventhal on MCPS position that Smart Growth impacts school system needs. Does Smart Growth put school construction at risk?
31:00 Floreen "my pay grade is not up to being on Board of Education" and "confusion about who does what"
38:00 Berthiaume if we are going to do "Smart Growth" let's do it in a smart way
39:00 Leventhal on big construction projects for county, do they put school projects at risk?
44:24 Leventhal "...I have nothing but sympathy for the poor oppressed people of North Bethesda. I know how difficult it is when your kid gets to attend WJ..."
46:22 Andrews "what are trends in special education enrollment"
51:00 Weast hours based staffing, better staffing, higher expectations
52:12 Ervin on meeting with Weast and State's Attorney on truancy, as high as 5% of MCPS population is truant on any given school day
54:00 Leventhal on Latino Youth meeting, task force recommendations in about a year

Tuesday, September 15, 2009 - Montgomery County Council and MCPS Board of Education meet for lunch in Council conference room.
Meeting is not televised by either elected body.
Video was obtained by a member of the Parents' Coalition of Montgomery County, Maryland attending the meeting and filming.
Meetings of these two bodies are open under the Maryland Open Meetings Act unless an exception is invoked under the Act.

1 comment:

  1. Councilmember Leventhal's comments (minute 44) really make clear his views of the WJ cluster and its voters. He's lost my vote and I will make sure my neighbors see are aware of his snide comments.


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